Below are samples of Articles Written By Carolyn...

Tending the Soul During the Holiday Season.
Holidays are supposed to be happy times, but what if we don’t we feel happy and what can we do about it?
When asked to write an article on getting the most out of your treatment team I immediately turned to clients to see what they had to say about the topic. I find that clients are usually great at giving advice to others even if they are not always so good at following it themselves.

Soul Lessons
“You know of the disease in Central Africa called sleeping sickness...there also exists a sleeping sickness of the soul. It’s most dangerous aspect is that one is unaware of its coming. That is why you have to be careful..."
Why I Do Not Use The 12 Step Approach In My Treatment Of Eating Disorders
The addiction model of treatment for eating disorders was originally taken from the disease model of alcoholism. Alcoholism is considered an addiction...

Food Feelings and the Holidays
Holidays are supposed to be Happy Times, why do so many people get depressed? Reasons:
Whether in the clinician’s or the client’s chair, all women are affected by contemporary culture’s disparaging treatment of the female body and the cultivation of impossible standards for beauty.

The Mindful Therapist
At some point in his or her life every therapist has made the decision to sit down and listen to other people’s suffering for a living. Some, like me, even spend their entire adult lives doing so.